Best Private Label Clothing Manufacturers

Clothing Manufacturers For Startups

9 min readJan 20, 2021

Private Label Clothing Manufacturers : Find the best Private Label Clothing Manufacturers for startups. They will take your design and make it a reality.

Private Label Clothing Manufacturers and Textile Industry:

Apparel and Textile industry is one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide. Globalization has eased the process of importing, manufacturing, and exporting goods, and online shopping has made global trade to rise exponentially. To fulfill the gap between increased customer demand and limited supply, the continent of Asia has played a major part in helping the textile industry to bloom further.

South Asia is one of the most important contributors to the textile and apparel industry. The majority of the textile and apparel exports are made through this region. Moreover, some of the most significant manufacturing units are situated here. One of the most influential exporters and manufacturers of the textile and apparel industry is located in China.

China has the world’s second-largest economy. Due to a huge numbered population, China is an enormous market for consumption, export, import, and manufacturing of goods. It contributes over more than 50% to the global textile and apparel industry alone. There are several reasons behind it which include easy access to raw materials because of various projects signed with multiple countries, availability of labor due to high population, access to numerous trade routes because of several projects with various countries, and so on. Due to a high supply of labor, and cheap raw materials, China gains a competitive advantage over its competitors with a low manufacturing cost.

In addition, China is the world’s biggest chemical fiber producer having a share of 70% in the global production of chemical fiber. Hence, this is also one of the major reasons behind a growing textile manufacturing industry in South Asia. Furthermore, the massive population of South Asia makes it a perfect market to hire cheap labor that can be trained easily.

Alongside China, many other countries in South Asia are rising and contributing towards the textile and apparel industry. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are among the major rising countries within this region. They are also categorized as the rising significant exporters and manufacturers of the textile and apparel industry.

It is exciting to know how the top brands like Zara, H&M, and Calvin Klein are closely knitted together with these developing countries situated in South Asia. The United States of America and European countries are among the top importers of textile and apparel industries manufacturing within the nations mentioned above. Keep reading to find out more about the exhilarating textile manufacturing industry situated in the South Asian countries of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Sri Lanka

An average-sized country, situated in South Asia, is one of the key contributors to the textile and apparel industry. Some of the major well-known brands are clients to this textile industry including Marks and Spencer, Victoria’s Secret, Nike, and Ann Taylor. Sri Lanka’s textile sector is one of its fastest-growing sectors which contributes 6% percent to its GDP and 40% to exports. Moreover, compared to any exporting nation in South Asia, Sri Lanka has the highest apparel exports per capita. In addition, this sector provides employment to a major working population, especially women. Hence, it would not be wrong to state that Sri Lanka’s textile industry is one of the most significant and key contributing industries to its economy.

Sri Lanka’s apparel is classified into various categories which include Sportswear, Lingerie, Loungewear, Bridal wear, Work wear, Swimwear, and Children’s wear. These products are manufactured accordingly, keeping every requirement in mind.

Having a three-decade of experience in the textile industry field, there is a huge demand for Sri Lankan apparel around the world. Two major importers of Sri Lankan apparel are the United States of America and the European Countries, including the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Belgian, Australia, Netherlands, and so on. Several other countries, such as China, Canada, and Japan are also among the countries importing Sri Lankan apparel.

Why should you support the Sri Lankan garment factories and Private Label Clothing Manufacturers?

There are several reasons why one should purchase apparel from Sri Lankan manufacturers. Some of the exciting facts have been listed below for you to check out.

1. Experience and reputation

Sri Lanka has been growing its textile industry for decades. It has been three decades since Sri Lanka has been manufacturing and exporting its apparel worldwide. The quality of the products is amazing which has led to the country gaining an international reputation for its garments. Some of the top brands, such as Victoria’s Secret, have contracts with Sri Lankan manufacturers to provide them with apparel. Such contracts have resulted in a stronger and stable relationship of Sri Lanka with the international community. Hence, the quality of the products, numerous contracts, and several other factors combined has helped Sri Lanka gain international recognition in the textile and apparel industry. Hence, you can purchase from Sri Lanka the way you purchase from one of your loved brands.

2. Garments without Guilt

Sri Lanka is famous for its philosophy of ‘Garments without Guilt.’ The textile and apparel industry is designed in such a way that upholds high ethical practices. It is free from any child labor, forced labor, discrimination, sweatshop practices, and makes use of responsible environmental practices. The welfare of workers is strictly monitored under this slogan of ‘Garment without Guilt.’ Hence, you can purchase textiles and apparel from Sri Lanka without any fear of putting the workers under forced or difficult circumstances for manufacturing your order.

3. Textile industry is a huge job market

Sri Lankan textile and apparel industry provide numerous employment opportunities to the working population. Over 300,000 to 600,000 people work within this sector, including women mainly. The wage provided to the workers is fair enough. High labor standards are followed according to the Garment without Guilt policy. No use of child labor or forced labor is made. Hence, to support the laborers working in the textile and apparel industry, you can directly buy from these manufacturers, supporting their business and encouraging further employment opportunities within the country.

4. Green Garment Factory

The world’s first environment-friendly textile factory called the ‘Green Garment Factory’ was built in Sri Lanka. This factory makes superb use of technology to reduce the carbon footprint of its suppliers and manufacturers. Moreover, it has decreased the energy use to 50% and water consumption to 30% only. This factory is also Asia’s first Carbon Neutral® Certified Factory. In addition, this factory categorizes under the LEED Platinum and Gold Certified Manufacturing Plants. Such factories follow global recycling standards, effluent treatment, and waste management practices. Hence, make a purchase to support Sri Lankan manufacturers who are trying to preserve the environment while preparing your favorite apparel costumed for you.

5. Zero-Carbon Factories

Numerous Sri Lankan textile and apparel manufacturers are working to become a zero-carbon unit. Huge investments are being made in renewable energy resources such as making use of Solar or Wind energy to power machines within the industry. Strict policies are being followed to reduce waste down to zero. Efficient systems are being introduced for the management of waste. Manufacturing units are working to gain membership within the Sustainable Apparel Coalition. Indexes such as the Higg Index are being used to measure the sustainability of the textile industry. Such practices should be highly encouraged and supported; hence, purchases should be made from such apparel manufacturing units in Sri Lanka.


Just like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh has a huge textile manufacturing plant and market worldwide. It has been labeled as the second-largest exporter of Ready-Made Garments (RMG) globally after China. The textile and apparel industry contributed 81 percent to the country’s exports and 20 percent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In addition, it a huge job market providing opportunities to millions of people, especially women. Different enormous brands around the globe have set contracts with Bangladeshi manufacturing textile and apparel units. For instance, H&M, Zara, and Calvin Klein are among the most famous brands that purchase from Bangladeshi manufacturers.

Bangladesh is the second-largest exporter of RGM worldwide. It deals with various categories of apparel. The categories range from western wear, shirts, shoes, belts, bags, tops, women wear, men wear, swimwear, and so on.

The textile and apparel industry is a huge industry growing in Bangladesh. Strict quality standards with environment-friendly practices are followed within the industry. Hence, it contributes majorly towards the GDP and export earnings of the country. Moreover, European Union shares almost 61 percent of Bangladesh’s textile market, followed by the United States sharing 15 percent. Therefore, it would not be wrong to call Bangladesh a giant hub for the textile and apparel market.

Why should you support the Bangladeshi garment factory?

There are several reasons why one should support the Bangladeshi garment factory. Support can be provided through various means such as making a direct purchase from these manufacturing units to making an investment within these factories. Some of the reasons to appreciate these factories have been mentioned below:

1. Textile industry is a job market to a huge number of Bangladeshi residents

Bangladeshi textile and apparel industry provides residents with employment opportunities. Over 20 million people are working within this sector, thousands of which work in fashion-related companies. Employment opportunities majorly include women and help them earn decently. The wage provided to the workers is improving since the Rana Plaza horrific incident. The terrific incident resulted in a major loss of human lives and made the industry vulnerable to work in. However, since that incident, the government has heavily invested in this sector. Wages have been increased and working conditions are strictly monitored to prevent any such incidents in the future.

Hence, to support the laborers working in the textile and apparel industry, you can directly buy from these manufacturers, supporting their business and encouraging further employment opportunities within the country. Investments can be made to improve their working conditions and help them grow further.

2. One of the safest RGM industries in the world

After the incident of Rana Plaza and Tajreen, Bangladesh has geared up itself and has worked hard enough to make it’s textile and apparel industry the safest to work in. Worker safety policies are strictly followed and many agreements have been made. Accords such as the Bangladesh Building and Fire Safety Accord make sure that important repairs are made which are paid for by the brands and retailers themselves. In addition, independent safety inspections are carried out with public reports. Factories that fail to fulfill the requirements of work safety and do not improve are closed down under this accord.

Hence, Bangladeshi factories are great for investment purposes. To support these safety measures conducted by the government and individual entities, we can purchase apparels which are usually sold at low cost as well.

3. Growth potential growth in future

Bangladesh has been listed in the ‘Next 11’ emerging countries to watch for by Goldman Sachs. Moreover, Morgan names it under the ‘Frontier Five’ emerging economies worth investing in. Hence, in the future, Bangladesh would a country worth investing in. Therefore, investing in this souring economy is an intelligent decision on your behalf. As mentioned, the textile industry of Bangladesh is huge. Therefore, it would be a great point of investment for people. Moreover, purchasing through these factories and listing as their top client would be highly beneficial due to the emerging economy of Bangladesh and several other factors discussed below as well.

4. Quick return on investment

The textile and apparel industry has a huge potential to grow. The return on investment is gained back within a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 years in this industry. Moreover, the government also encourages investment within this sector by providing various incentives to the investors and suppliers. For instance, high incentives on export earnings are an attraction for investors. In short, the quick return gained against the investment and various other earning incentives encourage the investors to startup within this industry. Hence, people looking for growing industries with a fast return on investment can avail this opportunity.

5. Use of advancing technology

After the horrific incident of Tajreen and Rana Plaza, Bangladesh has invested immensely in its textile and apparel industry. It has not only worked on and improved the working conditions of employees, but also invested in and upgraded the use of technology within the industry. It has been able to attract numerous brands with the use of technology and complying with high-quality standards it. To make the supply chains as transparent as possible, Bangladesh has built amazing vertical capacities attracting a number of clients towards it. To manage clients efficiently Bangladesh is making use of sophisticated apparel manufacturing and management technologies. Hence, investing in the Bangladesh apparel industry would prove to be worthwhile and fruitful.


As discussed in the entire article, South Asian countries are the rising countries in the near future for textile and apparel manufacturing. There are several reasons why one should invest in these manufacturing units or purchase from them as a regular client. Not only do they offer great quality products at minimal and competitive prices, but also these countries have built various policies to protect the environment they are working in. This article mentions Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi textile industry in great detail. It has been discussed how are these countries and their manufacturing units growing, conquering a huge share of the international market. Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi countries already have contracts with different top apparel brands selling their products worldwide. Carrying a huge potential within them, these countries and their manufacturing units are proceeding further. This is the best time to invest in these units and secure one’s future because the return on investment would continue to grow as this business expands.




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